1. 網上預售階段由2024年10月26日至2024年11月10日。
2. 網上預售期間將有20張GMMTV藝人親簽即影即有相片作抽獎用途,藝人包括Krist-Singto、Off-Gun、Tay-New、Earth-Mix、Boun-Prem、Pond-Phuwin、Force-Book、Joong-Dunk、Jimmy-Sea、First-Khaotung、Gemini-Fourth、Winny-Satang、Milk-Love、Sea-Keen、Great-Inn、Ohm-Leng、Namtan-Film、Perth-Santa、Joss-Gawin和 LYKN。
3. 顧客凡於shopnasium.store購買滿港幣200元(不含運費附加費)即可獲得一次抽獎機會,抽獎次數為單據購買總金額除200的整數,唯不同的訂單不能合併使用。
4. 顧客購買滿港幣200元(不含運費附加費)或以上即可填寫Google表格 https://forms.gle/SPx4BsB3NVteAwSo8 登記抽獎。顧客需於2024年11月11日或之前提交表格,表格內容包括訂單編號、港幣付款金額(不含運費附加費)、訂單可抽獎次數及抽獎機會分配。逾期提交表格將不獲接納。
5. 每張訂單只可填寫Google 表格一次。
6. 顧客透過填寫Google 表格,可按個人意願自行分配抽獎機會於上列之藝人的親簽即影即有相片。抽獎將於已選擇的藝人抽獎池中,以參加者的訂單編號為單位隨機抽出。舉例:顧客一張訂單共消費了HKD658,即可填寫以上Google表格參與抽獎,並獲得3次抽獎機會。他可選擇分配1次機會到Krist-Singto抽獎池,2次機會到 Jimmy-Sea抽獎池,或將3次機會放進同一個藝人的抽獎池來增加中獎機會。
7. 如顧客在Google表格中填寫超過可抽獎次數,表格將視作無效。如發現填錯表格,請電郵至shopnasium.hk@gmail.com聯繫我們。
8. 抽獎結果將在2024年11月13日於Shopnasium的Instagram及X上公佈。中獎者將收到電郵及回答一個簡單問題, 答中的話獎品會按照中獎者所填寫的派送方式發送。親簽即影即有相片可於2024年11月16至17日的GMMTV Weekend Market in Hong Kong 2024中領取或於2024年11月27日前以郵寄到付方式寄出。
9. 親簽即影即有相片不可用作銷售。
10. 本公司保留更改條款及細則的權利,毋須另行通知。
Lucky Draw Signed Polariod in Online Pre-sale Stage
Terms and conditions:
1. Online Pre-sale period will be from 26 October, 2024 to 10 November, 2024.
2. 20 pieces of signed Polaroid will be lucky drawn from online orders. The Polaroids consist of GMMTV artists, including Krist-Singto, Off-Gun, Tay-New, Earth-Mix, Boun-Prem, Pond-Phuwin, Force-Book, Joong-Dunk, Jimmy-Sea, First-Khaotung, Gemini-Fourth, Winny-Satang, Milk-Love, Sea-Keen, Great-Inn, Ohm-Leng, Namtan-Film, Perth-Santa, Joss-Gawin and LYKN.
3. Customers will receive 1 chance upon every HKD200 (excluded shipping fee and surcharge) order at shopnasium.store. Different orders can not be combined.
4. Customers who spend HKD200 (excluded shipping fee and surcharge) or more can fill in the Google form https://forms.gle/SPx4BsB3NVteAwSo8 to register for the lucky draw. Please input the Order No., HKD Payment Amount (not included shipping fee and surcharge) , No. of Chance Got From This Order and Chance Distribution, and submit the google form by 11 November, 2024. Late submission will not be accepted.
5. One order can only fill in one form.
6. Customers can choose how to allocate their lucky draw chances of which GMMTV artists they want the Polaroid from when they fill in the Google form. Lucky draw will be preformed by drawing randomly from pool of requested artist according to the invoice number. Example: the customer who spend HKD658 in 1 order will get 3 lucky draw chances. Customer can select to put 1 chance into pool of Krist-Singto, 2 chances into pool of Jimmy-Sea, or put all chances into 1 pool to maxmize your chance of winning.
7. If customers have filled more than the chances they have in Google form, it will be considered as disqualified. If wrong information was filled, please contact us by Emailing to shopnasium.hk@gmail.com.
8. Lucky draw result will be announced by @Shopnasium via Instagram and X on 13 November, 2024. Winners will receive confirmation email and need to reply us the answer of simple question, polaroid will be distributed according to the preferred delivery method, which could be picked up directly at GMMTV Weekend Market in Hong Kong 2024 on 16-17 November,2024 or mail by 27 November, 2024.
9. Signed Polariods are not for sale.
10. The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.
1. GMMTV Weekend Market in Hong Kong 2024在2024年11月16至17日期間於香港荃灣柴灣角白田壩街45號南豐紗廠六廠一樓進行,市集時間為下午一時至八時。
2. 市集期間將有20張GMMTV藝人親簽即影即有相片作抽獎用途,藝人包括Krist-Singto、Off-Gun、Tay-New、Earth-Mix、Boun-Prem、Pond-Phuwin、Force-Book、Joong-Dunk、Jimmy-Sea、First-Khaotung、Gemini-Fourth、Winny-Satang、Milk-Love、Sea-Keen、Great-Inn、Ohm-Leng、Namtan-Film、Perth-Santa、Joss-Gawin和 LYKN。
3. 顧客凡於市集購買GMMTV官方周邊滿或超過港幣200元(不含附加費)即可參加現場幸運抽獎。當20張親簽即影即有相片被全部抽出後,現場抽獎活動會即時結束。
4. 合資格參加者會即場於抽獎箱中自行抽取指定顏色球方式贏取親簽即影即有相片,同一訂單消費金額(不含附加費)每滿200元可於同一抽獎箱中抽取顏色球一次。不同的訂單不能合併使用。舉例:顧客一張訂單共消費了HKD658,可於同一抽獎箱中連抽3球。
5. 抽中親簽即影即有相片的顧客需正確回答一個問題,再自行抽出獲得哪位藝人的親簽即影即有相片。
6. 親簽即影即有相片不可用作銷售。
7. 本公司保留更改條款及細則的權利,毋須另行通知。
Signed Polaroid Lucky Draw In Booth
Terms and Conditions:
1. GMMTV Weekend Market in Hong Kong 2024 is available from 16 to 17 November, 2024 at 1/F, Mill 6, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan. Market Time is from 13:00 to 20:00.
2. 20 pieces of signed Polaroid will be lucky drawn from on-site orders from 16-17 November, 2024 at the booth. The Polaroids consist of GMMTV artists, including Krist-Singto, Off-Gun, Tay-New, Earth-Mix, Boun-Prem, Pond-Phuwin, Force-Book, Joong-Dunk, Jimmy-Sea, First-Khaotung, Gemini-Fourth, Winny-Satang, Milk-Love, Sea-Keen, Great-Inn, Ohm-Leng, Namtan-Film, Perth-Santa, Joss-Gawin and LYKN.
3. Customers who spend HKD200 (excluded surcharge) or more, can join instant lucky draw. Lucky draw will end when all prizes are distributed.
4. Eligible Participants get a chance to win a signed Polariod by drawing specific colour ball from lucky draw box by themselve upon every HKD 200 purchase in single order (excluded surcharge) . Different orders can not be combined. For example, customer who spend HKD658 in one order, can draw 3 balls out from lucky draw box consecutively. The more customer spent in one order, the higher opportunity to win the lucky draw.
5. Winner will draw which artists’ signed Polaroid he/she can get after he/she drew the specific colour ball out successfully and answer a question correctly.
6. Signed Polariods are not for sale.
7. The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.